What a better way to start a brand new blog, than to introduce myself!
I had my first baby in August 2021. A noisy, cheesy, and oh-so-smoochable little boy. I had a pretty rough pregnancy but he's 384829083x's worth it.
I lived in Kelowna for almost 7 years before relocating back to AB to be closer to our families. This is where I got my education, and on-location knowledge & experience when it comes to all things wedding photography!
While house shopping for our first home in 2020, I slipped down the stairs and dislocated my pinky - it was 90 degrees outwards! My amazing Mother In Law had to pop it back in (anyone queezy yet?!). Don't worry, we didn't buy that house.
I grew up a figure skater - my first love.
I can be really competitive. Try me at Mario-Kart or Monopoloy LOL
I love red velvet cupcakes, donuts, london fog tea lattes, and white wine. Yes, all of those are food / bevvie related.